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2020 NARLabs+UAiTED International Internship Scholarship Program


National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) will be offering internship opportunities to foreign undergraduate, master and PhD students in 2022. Through this program, NARLabs intends to provide scholarship to students, who’re interested in a hands-on research and practical experience at one of NARLabs’ research centers. The goal of the program is to introduce students to scientific and technological development in Taiwan.

Application is opened for students working on the 4 fields, including

  • Earth & Environment
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Biomedical Technology
  • Science & Technology Policy

UAiTED will cover the flight ticket and arrange a mentor from a local host university.


The students’ allowance is included in the scholarship.
The scholarship amount is ranged from 1,540 to 2,200 USD (equivalent to 49,000 to 64,000 NTD), which is according to the student’s education background. And will be paid with equivalent NTD.
UAiTED will reimburse the roundtrip flight ticket

Awardees will be granted from USD1,540 up to USD2,200 from NARLabs on the basis of student’s field of study and education degree.

UAiTED will reimburse the roundtrip flight ticket  

Please note: this award is taxable income, 18% taxes will be withheld at the time of distribution.  

Partnering Institutions and Organization

Host Organization: National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs)

Host Universities:

Length of Internship

Full-time 8-weeks within 2020 as determined by both the student and the research center.  

Eligibility Requirements
1. A foreign national
2. Must be enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program at an accredited college or university
3. Current major in a field of study relevant to the missions of one of following NARLabs research centers: 

Research Center

Host University

National Laboratory Animal Center

    National Cheng Kung University

    National Tsing Hua University

    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering

    National Central University

    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

    National Cheng Kung University

National Space Organization


    National Central University

    National Chiao Tung University

    National Taiwan Normal University

National Center for High-performance Computing

    National Chiao Tung University

    National Tsing Hua University, National Cheng Kung University

Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute

    National Central University

    National Chiao Tung University

    National Tsing Hua University, National Cheng Kung University

Taiwan Instrument Research Institute *

    National Chiao Tung University

    National Tsing Hua University

Science and Technology Policy Research and Information Center

    National Taiwan Normal University

    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Taiwan Ocean Research Institute

    National Central University

    National Cheng Kung University

Note: *Applicant must be enrolled in a master’s or PhD degree with experiences related to biomedical optoelectronics, biochemistry or molecular biology.

How To Apply

1. Deadline
    _All required application documents must be submitted by July 31, 2020
    _Results will be notified within 2 months upon receiving the application.

2. Application materials
    _Application form(as attachment)
    _Two letters of recommendation
    _Latest official academic transcript.
    _A copy of your student ID card (if applicable)
    _A copy of the photo page of your passport
    _A high quality digital file of your headshot
    _Supporting documents: English and/or Chinese language proficiency test scores
    _Please note that all submitted materials will not be returned to the applicant.

3. Submission
    Email subject: NARLabs 2020 Internship (name of your university)
    Mail to:

Point of Contact
    Nora Liu :

Additional Terms and Conditions
1. The student will be responsible for his or her travel and housing arrangement during the entire duration of the internship program. UAiTED host university will provide assistance in visa application documents and housing if needed.
2. At the end of the internship program, the student is required to submit a report to the hosting NARLabs center.
3. Workplace Policies
  (1)Students should report to the assigned center. If students change centers without approval, NARLabs shall withdraw the internship offer. 
  (2)Students should report to work on time and should not be late or leave early.   
  (3)All types of absences require filling out an application and providing supporting documents. Approval must be obtained from the supervisor. If the number of days of absence amount to more than a third of the internship period, the student will be deemed to have quit the internship.  
Except in cases of serious illness or accidents, it is strictly prohibited to take time off by telephone. Requests for absences should be handled in person.
4. Policies for absences
  (1)Sick leave: students should ask supervisor for leave on the day of the sickness before going to the doctor and submit the proof as soon as possible thereafter.
  (2)Personal leave: personal leave shall be handled in advance. In case of emergencies, students must telephone the supervisor to ask for leave and submit leave application thereafter. If not, then the personal leave will be considered absence without approval.
  (3)Bereavement leave: students may submit application when the event occurs and the proof thereafter. Students do not have to make up internship hours due to bereavement leave.
  (4)Official leave: students must provide proof to the supervisor in advance from their respective schools if participating in school activities.
  (5)Absence without approval: if students did not submit leave application or the application was not approved, NARLabs shall withdraw the internship offer if interns are absent more than a total of seven days.